Thursday, 26 November 2009

Stichmarkers - The craftening

So today I went to the local haberdashery store and bought myself a little bag of beads, some necklace clasps and some.. whatever-they-ares.

There's needlenose pliars somewhere but not to hand at the time :) so I used ordinary ones.

So first off I found 4 beads i liked that fit on straight (there were a bunch of wonky ones) and threaded them onto one of my wires.After adding the necklace clasp half way down the remaining space I twisted the wire around itself to complete my stitch marker.

And Here it is in action! I'm pretty pleased with it to be honest!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Quilla...
    I got your note about the 2nd round, if you send me an email address I will describe it to you (if that doesnt work I can send you a mini tutorial) I cant send more close ups of the actual blanket because i gave it to my friend already... but will work up another center to show you if needs be.

